Cannabis For Medical Patients

We know there are many within our Community who buy seeds to cultivate cannabis for medicinal purposes.

At Bangi-Afrika Herb Culture, we’re passionate about championing the therapeutic uses of cannabis. Therefore, we’re proud to offer those who use cannabis medicinally an exclusive discount.

If you cultivate and consume cannabis medicinally, please email legal proof of your condition to to receive a unique discount code that can be used for all purchases made on

Please note, with an ever-growing number of people choosing to try medical cannabis as a treatment for their ailments and/or illnesses, it is vital that those newcomers who have no experience with cannabis are provided with reliable information to help them choose the best strain for them.
1DAY 1: Inhalation
2Session 1:
3Session 2 (Optional):
4Session 3 (Optional):

Your introduction to Cannabis.

Today, your goal is to feel the slightest or minimal effect from cannabis.

  • Do not be concerned if you do not feel any effect today.
  • During the next three (3) days, your body's sensitivity to cannabis will increase allowing you to experience therapeutic results.


Check your starting "Inner Inventory" before your first session of inhaled cannabis, and write it down on the worksheet under Day 1.

Rate each using a scale of 1-10: (1 = challenging and 10 = easiest)

Breath: Take a deep breath. How easy and smooth does that feel?

Body: How comfortable and calm does your body feel? How easy is it to remain still and comfortable?

Mood: How easy is it for you to feel a sense of contentment and appreciation? How authentically can you smile right now?


  • Take 1 inhalation (from a vaporized or pipe).
  • Wait 5 minutes.
  • Check your post-inhalation inner inventory, and write it down on the worksheet.
  • If you can feel any minimal effect from the inhalation and / or there is even a slight change in your inner inventory, stop and go about your day. If you feel dizziness or impaired coordinated, please avoid any dangerous activities such as driving for 2+ hours.
  • If you can feel absolutely no effect, and found no change in your inner inventory, the repeat the cycle.
  • Take another inhalation.
  • Wait 5 Minutes.
  • Check your Inner Inventory.
  • Stop once you feel the slightest effect and / or change in your inner inventory.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Listen to your body and don't overdo it. Less cannabis is more.

Limit yourself to only 1-3 inhalations per session and remember to follow the process of only taking just 1 inhalation, waiting 5 minutes, and checking your inner invenory to determine if there is a slight change.

Vaporized cannabis can have a slightly slower onset than smoked cannabis. If you are using an herbal vaporizer, which is highly recommended, consider waiting 10 minutes between inhalations instead of 5 minutes. For vaporizers with variable temperature settings, start at 360°F and gradually increase the temperature with each inhalation until you can see a very fine mist during your exhalation. For most vaporizers the ideal temperature is 360-390°F. Even if you think the temperature was too low, it's important to still wait the full 5-10 minutes before taking the next inhalation.


  • To only feel the slightest or minimal effect each time. 
  • Be patient and take your time. 
  • You may use cannabis, following this procedure up to 3 times (sessions) per day. 
  • Drink plenty of water and follow our recommend cannabinoid-enhancing exercises and suggested foods.
1DAY 2: Inhalation
2Session 1:
3Session 2 (Optional):
4Session 3 (Optional):

Increasing your sensitivity to Cannabis.

Today, your goal is to feel the slightest or minimal effect from cannabis. You may notice more effects today as your body upregulates its endocannabinoid system and becomes more sensitive to cannabis.

  • Check your inner inventory and write it down on the worksheet.
  • Take 1 inhalation (from a vaporizer or pipe), wait 5 minutes, check your inner inventory and write it down on the worksheet.
  • Stop if you can feel any minimal effect and / or change in your inner inventory and go about your day. If you feel dizziness or impaired coordinated, please avoid any dangerous activities such as driving for 2 hours.
  • If you can feel absolutely no effect, then repeat the cycle.
  • IMPORATANT NOTE: Less cannabis is more. Limit yourself to only 1-3 inhalations per session and remember to follow the process of only taking 1 inhalation, waiting 5 minutes, and checking your inner inventory to determine if there is a slight change.


  • To only feel the slightest or minimal effect each time. 
  • Be patient and take your time. 
  • You may use cannabis, following this procedure up to 3 times (sessions) per day. 
  • Drink plenty of water and follow our recommend cannabinoid-enhancing exercises and suggested foods.
1DAY 3: Inhalation
2Session 1:
3Session 2 (Optional):
4Session 3 (Optional):

Building more Cannabinoid Receptors.

You are becoming sensitive to small doses of inhaled cannabis. You're becoming familiar with the minimal noticeable effects of inhaled cannabis, you're feeling more confident in your control of cannabis use, and you're gaining an understanding of how cannabis affects you.

  • Check your inner inventory and write it down on the worksheet.
  • Take 1 inhalation (from a vaporizer or pipe), wait 5 minutes, check your inner inventory and write it down on the worksheet.
  • Stop if you can feel any minimal effect and / or change in your inner inventory and go about your day. If you feel dizziness or impaired coordinated, please avoid any dangerous activities such as driving for 2 hours.
  • If you can feel absolutely no effect, then repeat the cycle.
  • IMPORATANT NOTE: Less cannabis is more. Limit yourself to only 1-3 inhalations per session and remember to follow the process of only taking 1 inhalation, waiting 5 minutes, and checking your inner inventory to determine if there is a slight change.


  • To only feel the slightest or minimal effect each time. 
  • Be patient and take your time. 
  • You may use cannabis, following this procedure up to 3 times (sessions) per day. 
  • Drink plenty of water and follow our recommend cannabinoid-enhancing exercises and suggested foods.
1DAY 3: Inhalation
2Session 1:
3Session 2 (Optional):
4Session 3 (Optional):

How to find your Therapeutic Dosage?

Goal: To discover the lowest therapeutic dose of cannabis you need to achieve the optimal benefits.

Today, instead of looking for the minimal noticeable effect of inhaled cannabis, you'll be carefully increasing your dose of cannabis to the optimal or therapeutic effect. Think of the symptomatic relief you want to achieve using cannabis and a functional goal associated with that relief. For example, "my back is comfortable enough for me to pick up my grandchild", or "I'm feeling calm enough to make good decisions", or "my muscles are relaxed enough to enjoy a mile walk outside".

Write your therapeutic goals down on the worksheet.

To achieve that goal, today you'll likely take 1-2 more inhalations per session than you did on day 3. If you were satisfied with the therapeutic effects you experienced on day 3, simply remain at that same dosage and notice if today's therapeutic effects increase even more.

  • Check your inner inventory and write it down on the worksheet.
  • Take 1 inhalation, wait 5 minutes, check your inner inventory and write it down on the worksheet.
  • Continue to take 1 inhalation every 5 minutes, recording your inner inventory each time, until your experience symptom relief and feel close to your therapeutic goal. Then end the session and write the number of inhalations required on the worksheet.
  • How do I know when I reach the optimal dose? One of two things will occur:
  • You feel enough symptom relief that you are no longer limited by whatever was bothering you. Your session is over, mark down your findings and go enjoy your day!
  • You notice a decrease in your inner inventory 5 minutes after an inhalation. This actually means that you have slightly exceeded your optimal dose. Don't worry if this happens, it's an important part of the learning process! Next time just take 1 less inhalation or take smaller inhalations.

You have found your new optimal close for inhaled cannabis.

  • Use the next 2-3 sessions to confirm your dosage by repeating the process, including the 5 minute period between inhalations. After day 4 you no longer have to wait the 5 minute between each inhalation.
  • I recommend you periodically try taking one inhalation less than your day 4 dosage to determine its effect - some people continue to increase their cannabis sensitivity on days 5-10. You can always take another inhalation if needed 5 minutes later.

If at any time you notice that you are developing tolerance to cannabis, meaning you begin needing a higher dose to get the same effect, then you have likely exceeded your optimal personal therapeutic dosage. I recommend you try our sensitization protocol to hep you recover your cannabis sensitivity and return to your optimal dosage.

Congratulations on completing the 4-Day Introduction to Cannabis Program for Inhalation.

I wish you a long, therapeutic relationship with this incredible medicine, great health and happiness.

- Bangi Afika Herb Culture

Indigenous Africa Medical Cannabis Consultant, Medical Marijuana Supply in Afrika. 

Medicinal Cannabis should be a first priority, not a last resort.


+27 (0) 81 582 0205
80, 3rd Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2033
+27 (0) 68 406 9670
Kempton Park
14 Voortrekker Rd, Kempton Park Cbd, Kempton Park, 1619
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