Would you like to know more about how you can help your clients or yourself get and stay well using the healing power of botanicals like cannabis?
If you answered yes to either of those questions, then I’m your boy.
Book a free call today to explore all your options to work with me!
African Traditional Healer and Medicinal Cannabis consultant T/Dr Mbuga A Mayambala is the founder and CEO of Bangi Afrika Herb House (Pty) Ltd, an alternative health and wellness online store. He is a certified in medical cannabis.
After a few years of direct patient care, T/Dr. Mayambala transitioning to one of the top medical cannabis (Health Management Organizations) Talk About Medical Cannabis with T/Dr. Mayambala, where he talks about the role of cannabis in the management of various diseases.
T/Dr. Mayambala is not married a widower loves to volunteer, travel, and listen to current affairs in his spare time.
He is active on all the social media platforms and is accepting invites for collaboration, consultation, medical cannabis class engagement, and speaking engagement.